Shipping/Delivery Policy

Shipping and delivery is going to change from time to time due to customs, prices, costs, and availability. Please be sure to check in on this subject/topic for the latest updates for this policy OFTEN. Thank you.


Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply.
I’m not responsible for delays due to customs.
All shipments will be made via USPS (United States Postal Service) for the standard, cheapest availability. The shipment label will be prompted and purchased per order. Each order will vary per the weight and size of the packaging AFTER item has been packaged (not the product itself, but the product after it’s been packaged up and packed with shipping materials.)
All costs will be required to be paid for by the customer unless a “free-shipping sale” or a “free-shipping promotion” has been redeemed and calculated with a coupon code or other promotional time frame period.

Shipping costs will be calculated WITH the total of the price of the product. It will be shown in an itemized addition to the bill that includes the costs of product(s), taxes, removing any promotional sales prices or coupon promotion codes, and the shipment label prices for the grand total of the shipment/purchase.

Currently — We do NOT process any international sales at this time. Due to the high costs, limitations with customs, and additional requirements for international sales, we currently have stopped international sales for shipments. This may change at a later time, but at this current moment – no international sales will be processed. I apologize for any inconveniences.



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